Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Training

Ahhhh, Spring! Finally!!


"If we had no winter, the Spring would not be so pleasant."

~Anne Bradstreet

My crocuses have finally opened and the weather is warming up.
I have been able to get my 2 miles in the morning at the park and baseball is in the air :)

Tim had the Cardinals (of course) first practice on Saturday! The weather was gorgeous (even though there were a snow pile or two left around) and the boys were definitely itching to get out there and play some ball.



Josh moved up to the 7-8 pitching machine level so he is the youngest on the team still at 6. Even after the first practice we can tell that Coach Tim has a pretty great team of kids this year, the Cards will be a force for sure!


Goooooo Cardinals!


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