Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cookie Time!


It's was bound to happen sooner or later...the kids had their first "Snow Day" of the year on Friday! I had to take them to work with me for a little while in the morning, but by the time we got all snug and warm back in the house...that was IT we weren't going anywhere! Sooo...we decided that cookies would be a fun thing to do!

Kayla and Josh did pretty much everything by themselves. I supervised, of course, but they rolled, cut and decorated the whole batch! Tabitha and Steve sent them a box of 101 different cookie cutters for Christmas this year and that's why we have cars, dogs, trucks, footballs, helmets...oh yeah, and a Yankees cap!?!!?! YIKES!!! (hahaha)

Here's some more pics...enjoy!




Yes, that IS a Yankees cap amongst my Christmas cookies!!!

Two proud kiddos with their creations :)

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